We Are One Community Unity

We Are One Community Unity is a resource for those who truly need it most - the homeless and less fortunate people of Detroit. 


We are a self-funded organization that looks for needs within the Detroit community and fills those needs. From feeding the homeless weekly to surprise car giveaways, the organization's goal is to be a blessing wherever they are able.

“My piece of bread only belongs to me when I know that everyone else has a share, and that no one starves while I eat.”   — Leo Tolstoy

Free Lunch Wednesdays

We Are One Community Unity Organization provides free lunch every Wednesday at noon on Peterboro just west of Woodward across from C.O.T.S. (26 Peterboro Detroit 48201).  Volunteers are always welcome to get involved by donating food, time, clothing, and toiletries.

Mentoring Our Youth

We Are One Community Unity mentors youth to help them realize their full potential. Focusing on confidence building and conflict resolution, Boykin and other We Are One mentors have a proven track record for changing lives.


Community Outreach

We Are One Community Unity's programming is multifaceted. We serve the community through special events and activities throughout the year. Some of the programs include delivering truckloads of water to Flint, prom sponsorship, spending time with seniors, networking events and much more.   

Meet the Founder

Detroiter, Jerrold Boykin is a Man On a Mission in his beloved city, making a difference with the help of others.


For Jerry, “We Are One Community Unity” is much more than a contemporary fad. It’s more than the sandwiches he shares. It’s a ministry that the mentor to at-risk children and the “Spirit of Detroit” Award Recipient is committed to.


Jerry believes that while intervening is something many do on a whim, especially around the holidays, during moments of elevated consciousness, these displaced men and women rely on folks to return. And so he does, with zero unpredictability.


A socially conscious mindset and a big heart for building others, led the young father of two to answer a call to design blessings for the less fortunate. Boykin started a food ministry and credits faith, favor and obedience as his reasons why. It is what leads the busy father to serve the homeless – rain, sleet, snow or shine – every Wednesday.

Jerry Boykins

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