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Jerrold Boykin

Detroiter, Jerrold Boykin is a Man On a Mission in his beloved city, making a difference with the help of others.


For Jerry, “We Are One Community Unity” is much more than a contemporary fad. It’s more than the sandwiches he shares. It’s a ministry that the mentor to at-risk children and the “Spirit of Detroit” Award Recipient is committed to.


Jerry believes that while intervening is something many do on a whim, especially around the holidays, during moments of elevated consciousness, these displaced men and women rely on folks to return. And so he does, with zero unpredictability.


A socially conscious mindset and a big heart for building others, led the young father of two to answer a call to design blessings for the less fortunate. Boykin started a food ministry and credits faith, favor and obedience as his reasons why. It is what leads the busy father to serve the homeless – rain, sleet, snow or shine – every Wednesday.